Living Authentic Manhood Today
What it means to be a man or a woman is questioned today like never before. While traditional gender roles have been eroding for decades, now the very categories of male and female are being discarded with reckless abandon. How does one act like a gentleman in such confusing times?
with Preparation for Total Consecration
St. Louis de Montfort
In the greatest book of Marian spirituality ever written, St. Louis De Montfort teaches the easiest, most secure, and most perfect way to sainthood. There is no better way to become holy quickly, to please God, and to guarantee your eternal salvation than being truly devoted to Mary, the Mother of God.
Dom Lorenzo Scupoli
St. Francis de Sales loved this book so much he read it every day. Now you too can keep this classic book close and use it to grow in virtue. If you want to be a saint (and everyone is called to be a saint) then you have to root out vice and develop your virtues. This book lays out how to do exactly that. Its short, dynamic chapters explain how to stay active in your spiritual life, resist temptation, and pray with confidence in God. Your soul is worth fighting for! This book gives you the strategies you need to win your spiritual battles.
Frank Sheed
If people are to thrive-to live fully and together in peace-we must have sanity when it comes to society. And that requires sanity when it comes to thinking about man. Sanity involves seeing things as they really are. Social sanity requires seeing man as he really is-to grasp who and what human beings are and what sort of social arrangements help or hinder human flourishing.
Kevin Wells
In 1957, at twenty-seven years old, Father Aloysius Schwartz of Washington, D.C., asked to be sent to one of the saddest places in the world: South Korea in the wake of the Korean War. Just a few months into his priesthood, he stepped off the train in Seoul into a dystopian film. Squatters with blank stares picked through hills of garbage. Paper-fleshed orphans lay on the streets like leftover war shrapnel. The scenes pierced him.
Fr. Donald H. Calloway, MIC
"In Champions of the Rosary, Fr. Calloway has written what is probably the most comprehensive book ever written on the rosary. The author deftly negotiates the complexities of the story of the rosary, weaving the historical, theological, and devotional strands into a veritable masterpiece of scholarship and piety.
Devin Schadt
A father’s mission is to be a link between heaven and earth, between God and His children. He does this by becoming the voice of the Father that his children cannot hear, the face of the Father that his children cannot see, and the touch of the Father that his children cannot feel. This is his mission, his challenge, and his call to glory.
Devin Schadt
Comprised of over 190 succinct, bite-size, attainable and accessible, powerful yet practical reflections, the LEAD Daily Devotional offers every man a comprehensive vision of St. Joseph's four pillars; from beginning to end, from manhood to fatherhood. The LEAD Daily Devotional can be used individually, or as the foundation of your LEAD Live Men's Group discussions. More than being a ‘one and done’ product, the LEAD Daily Devotional provides men with an ongoing road map for life.
Devin Schadt
The Meaning and Mystery of Man equips men with a much needed, uncompromising, profound, scriptural and theological vision of what it really means to be a man. A deeper dive, yet accessible, The Meaning and Mystery of Man builds a very strong case for headship, patriarchy, and the essential role and responsibility of the Christian man. Consider this an apologetics book for fatherhood, masculinity, and spiritual leadership.
Charles A. Coulombe
The Holy Grail: it conjures images of a rich and fantastic world full of magnificent adventures and perilous quests by gallant knights. It whispers of strange mysteries and fabled conspiracies staged by Templars, Cathars, Nazis, and innumerable secret societies. Was it the Cup used by Christ at the Last Supper, or something else? Is there any truth to the wonders and marvels bards and poets associated with it?
Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC
Drawing on the wealth of the Church's living tradition, Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, calls on all of us to turn to St. Joseph, entrust ourselves, our Church, and our world to our spiritual father's loving care, and then watch for wonders when the Universal Patron of the Church opens the floodgates of Heaven to pour out graces into our lives today. Definitely a book for our time.
Devin Schadt
CUSTOS is a one-of-a-kind 33-day consecration, spiritual boot-camp that helps men who are or will be fathers to encounter the real St. Joseph, walk with him, and become like him.
Rev. Fr. Jeremiah J. Smith
Covering the life of the famous martyr of the Nazi concentration camp in Auschwitz, this beautifully written biography shows how Fr. Kolbe (+1941) worked mightily to conquer the world for Christ through Mary Immaculate. His desire to win the salvation of souls, even to the point of offering his own life in the place of another, encourages the reader to evangelize with zeal like this heroic saint of modern times.
G.K. Chesterton
Gilbert Keith Chesterton is one of the most celebrated and reverently esteemed figures in modern literature. He was a phenomenally prolific writer. After achieving early success as an illustrator, he subsequently established his fame as a playwright, novelist, poet, literary commentator, pamphleteer, essayist, lecturer, apologist, and editor. The depth and range of his work are astounding.
J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien's epic fantasy world immortalized in a magnificent five-volume, leather-bound, matching set, accented with 22kt gold. The page-ends are gilded with a gleaming gold finish. Fabric end-sheets provide both beauty and sturdiness.
Franco Serafini
The Gospels might not be “good enough” for modernity, and science is certainly its god. But neither is an impediment to the one, true God. Indeed, He is using methods of the twenty-first century — His twenty-first century — to show how our Faith can be proven through Eucharistic miracles with clinical scientific precision.
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A Catholic Guide to Health
and Holiness
Kevin Vost, Psy. D.
Our culture is facing a pandemic of obesity and a marked rise in diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's dementia. The problem is physiological, of course — but it is also spiritual. Here is the book that will teach you how to attain optimal health and true harmony of mind, body, and spirit within the context of a well-rounded devotional life.
Use Code CatholicGents30 at checkout for 30% off.
St. Francis De Sales
As no sensible person would make a long road trip without first consulting a map, so the person intent upon gaining Heaven should first resort to a competent guide to reach that Goal of all goals. And no better guide to Heaven exists than “An Introduction to the Devout Life” by St. Francis de Sales, Doctor of the Church. It is at once easy to read, being laid out in short chapters, yet thorough, authoritative, reliable, kind and gentle a mirror of its author. It is a book, moreover, for all, because all are called to the devout life.
Dan Burke
We often think of demons appearing only in extravagant and extraordinary manifestations or working only through “bad” people. But the truth is more frightening than that. Most demonic activity takes place undetected, under the radar, and can even be hidden in our own prayer lives and in the churches where we attend Mass. Subtlety, illusion, and deceit are the preferred tactics of Satan's army of fallen angels, and they are waging an invisible battle for souls — right now — within and around us all.
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The Catechism of the Council of Trent, compiled under the supervision of St. Charles Borromeo and approved by Pope St. Pius V, has been recognized as the most authoritative catechism by many of the greatest popes, such as St. Pius X, Clement XIII, Benedict XV, Leo XIII, and many others. It has been used by clergy and laymen for over 400 years as a source of the clear and simple truths of the Faith.
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, DD
The perfect gift to enrich any Catholic’s bookshelf, The Fulton Sheen Signature Set brings to you five of Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s works, written at various points of his life on a myriad of topics. The books are hardcover.
Father Jacques Philippe
In our search for God and holiness, in our service to our neighbor, a kind of restlessness and anxiety take the place of the confidence and peace which ought to be ours. What must we do to overcome the moments of fear and distress which assail us? How can we learn to place all our confidence in God and abandon ourselves into his loving care? This is what is taught in this simple, yet profound little treatise on peace of heart.
Peter Kreeft
Christians are often intimidated or overwhelmed by the sheer size and complexity of the Bible. But now, popular author and teacher Peter Kreeft has written a clear roadmap of the Bible, focusing his keen insight and engaging wit on the core message of each book.
St. Benedict
There's no other guidebook like the Rule of St. Benedict. For 1500 years it's helped everyone from priests, nuns and laypeople truly live out their vocation in life - to become a saint!
That's because the Rule instructs you how to live in simplicity and truly love the people you're with, whether it's a religious community or your own family or coworkers.
Peter Kreeft
From a lifetime of studying the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas, popular author Peter Kreeft says that his amazement has continually increased not only at Aquinas’ theoretical, philosophical brilliance and sanity, but also at his personal, practical wisdom, his “existential bite.” Yet this second dimension of St. Thomas has usually been eclipsed by the other. Kreeft wrote this book to help bring that sun out from its eclipse. He provides easily digestible samples of the religious wisdom of Aquinas.
C.S. Lewis
“The Screwtape Letters” is a classic masterpiece of religious satire that entertains readers with its sly and ironic portrayal of human life and foibles from the vantage point of Screwtape, a highly placed assistant to "Our Father Below." At once wildly comic, deadly serious, and strikingly original, “The Screwtape Letters” is the most engaging account of temptation—and triumph over it—ever written.
ST. Louis De Montfort
St. Louis de Montfort is one of the greatest Marian saints in the Church. His timeless classic, "The Secret of the Rosary," belongs in every Rosary enthusiast's home library.
St. Louis wrote this book precisely to help ordinary Catholics understand the history and the power of the Rosary. With St. Louis as your guide, you'll open up new depths in your devotion to the Rosary and Our Blessed Mother.
Frank Sheed
Vatican II issued an urgent call for the laity to take a more active role in the life of the Church. What should the life of the Christian believer be like? How are average lay Christians called to help save the world? How does theology fit into the picture?