Exodus 90 is a ninety-day, Catholic program for men.


Root out negativity this Advent

Are you tired of returning to the same 'modern pharaohs' over and over again — overconsumption of social media, numbing your problems with alcohol, pornography, or binge-watching TV? Our culture today has no shortage of modern Pharaohs we each need to be freed from — and idols that hold us back from unity with God. Exodus offers you a way out.


How it works.


You will journey with your brothers through the Book of Exodus. Each morning you’ll have a passage from the Bible and a reflection to guide your silent prayer.


We can’t say “yes” to God until we have said “no” to the world and its comforts. You’ll return to the Church’s ancient – and largely forgotten – tradition of asceticism. That’s a fancy word that means “acts of self denial.”


Invite men you know to journey with you: your friends, co-workers, brothers, or that random guy at Church. You will meet each week with your fraternity and follow a simple structure for prayer, encouragement, and accountability. One of the men from your fraternity will be your Anchor, and you will check in with him each day.